NFP Instruction
While at You, Me, and NFP we joyfully encourage the use of any NFP method, here you will find more information and specifics on how to access personalized instruction in the Marquette Method as one of our co-founders,
Sarah Tramonte, BSN, RN, CPN, has been a Marquette Method NFP instructor since 2014.
A Note from Sarah:
As of May 2023, after major discernment I have felt called to put a pause on my NFP instruction. The changing demands of a growing family and homeschooling are requiring more mental and emotional presence. In addition, responding to the call to devote more time to my own marriage will prevent me from dedicating the time I want to provide to my couples on their NFP journey.
I will continue to discern "whatever God wants" and will jump back in when I hear His voice to do so. Even though I am pausing my personal instruction, I will continue to be invested in this ministry in helping others find instruction and/or consulting with those who are inquiring about NFP. e.g. Anyone wanting to get a feel for what NFP would look like when transitioning off a contraceptive, post partum NFP, etc. If anyone finds themselves needing a cheerleader like motivation pep talk feel free to contact me. (hehe) I will continue to be keeping all of you (known and unknown to me) in my prayers.
Developed in the late 1990s, Marquette University's Institute for Natural Family Planning developed this method which now uses modern day touchscreen technology (the Clearblue fertility monitor), an at home device that registers urinary hormones of fertility. In addition the method utilizes other biological indicators such as cervical mucus, basal body temperatures, and algorithm (past cycle data) to help establish the fertile and infertile phases in a woman’s “monthly cycle." This frequently makes fertility detection more objective, and often increases user confidence with NFP.

When the method is applied correctly there is a 98% effectiveness rate for avoiding pregnancy. (Better effectiveness when the method is learned with proper instruction and not self taught)
Couples have also experienced successes in achieving pregnancy with Marquette. Given the ease and accuracy of hormonal detection through fertility devices used in this method, the optimal time a woman is fertile is more clear, thus increasing fertile focused intercourse and increasing probability of conceiving.
* An added benefit to observing fertility indicators in charting is that this information helps the NFP instructor to encourage a couple to seek medical consultation for further assessment when applicable.
Learn more at: https://www.marquette.edu/nursing/natural-family-planning-model.php

“Sarah has been my instructor for 3 years now and has helped me navigate two postpartum charting transitions in that short time! She is an invaluable resource with her wealth of knowledge and the attentiveness she gives to each of her clients. She goes the extra mile for her clients by asking great questions and seeking to get to the root of the charting issue or concern.
Above all, Sarah is a light that is so needed in this often lonely NFP world. I will never forget how Sarah changed my entire outlook on my most recent pregnancy. I texted her to let her know that I was pregnant and nervous and she immediately resounded with a photo of herself and her new baby, just hours after giving birth. She encourages me like a friend and I will never forget how much she touched me by taking time to care about my life despite how busy she is raising her own beautiful family.
Due to some personal health issues I have needed a lot of extra time and attention in my NFP instruction and Sarah has walked with me every step of the way as my husband and I carry this cross. She is like a Simon of Cyrene to us, holding us up in prayer during this journey. I am forever grateful for the sacrifice Sarah makes for her clients, she is one of a kind."
Sarah received her Bachelors of Science in nursing from St. Mary’s of Notre Dame and became a Registered Nurse. She worked for seven years at Children’s Healthcare on a general pediatric inpatient floor as a staff/charge nurse. Sarah received the pediatric nursing certification (CPN) in 2009. After resigning from Children’s in 2014 to stay home with her children, she completed the Marquette teacher training certification and began teaching the Marquette method of NFP. Sarah absolutely loves sharing the theological aspects of NFP to all and is often seen as an "NFP cheerleader" with quite the bubbly personality. Sarah has a sensitive and soft place in her heart for teaching/journeying with those converting from contraceptive methods.

“My teacher, Sarah, has been such a great inspiration and support. From the time I contacted her to ask about joining a Marquette Method class, I could tell she was a godly woman! She gave me hope. She made me feel there was a way for me to remain faithful to NFP and feel more confident about it. She offered to pray for me. She made the class interesting and exciting. She made it fun. She made it clear that her teaching vocation is a mission from God. She's been so helpful to answer any questions I have had since taking the class. I'm so grateful God led me to Sarah at the perfect time! Her faithful example has not only helped me, but given me more desire to share the gift of NFP with others around me."
"Rather now than tomorrow, and tomorrow than the day after"
- Joan of Arc

The Marquette Method is one of many methods of NFP. Click here to learn more about different NFP methods.